Shab-e-Yalda, known as the "Night of Yalda," is an ancient celebration marking the longest night of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, observed on the winter solstice. Rooted in Persian tradition, this enchanting event brings families and friends together to celebrate the triumph of light over darkness.
During Shab-e-Yalda, cherished customs abound as loved ones gather to partake in festivities that last well into the night. Shared laughter, heartfelt conversations, and the joy of camaraderie fill the air as participants indulge in a feast of traditional delicacies and engage in age-old rituals.
Among the quintessential foods enjoyed on Shab-e-Yalda are the symbolic pomegranate, watermelon, and an assortment of dried fruits and nuts, each carrying its own significance and embodying the bounty of the season. As the night unfolds, the timeless verses of renowned Persian poets such as Hafez and Ferdowsi echo through the gatherings, enriching the atmosphere with their profound wisdom and lyrical beauty.
Shab-e-Yalda 2024
We are thrilled to invite you to Shab-e Yalda, the ancient Persian celebration of the longest night of the year!
🗓 Date: Sunday, December 8
⏰ Time: 6 PM – 10:30 PM
📍 Location: Hameetman Multipurpose Room at Caltech
Join us for an evening of great food, Persian music performance, and a long session of Persian poetry reading as we celebrate this rich cultural tradition!
Registration Details:
- Space is limited to 75 attendees, so early registration is encouraged.
- Please purchase your ticket for this event here.
- Registration closes on Tuesday, December 3, at 11:59 PM or once we reach capacity.
Feel free to share this invitation with your friends. We can't wait to celebrate with you!